About.The NJ Blockchain Center provides education, events and advocacy to the blockchain and cryptocurrency community in New Jersey. Our goal is to foster the development and growth of blockchain technology in education, the private sector, and government.
Established in 2019We launched in early 2019. We host classes and events at a variety of locations around the State. Subscribe to our email list to be notified of upcoming events and new developments, and check our Events page regularly.
Our GoalOur goal is to spread awareness and knowledge of blockchain and cryptocurrency technology in NJ. We will accomplish this through educational classes and events, networking and social activities, and support of other events and organizations in NJ.
Our Team
Lindsley Medlin
Founder & Instructor
Lindsley Medlin is a Certified Blockchain Professional™, and an experienced business executive. Mr. Medlin is active in the blockchain and cryptocurrency communities in NJ and NYC. He teaches blockchain and cryptocurrency at Columbia University, County College of Morris, and the Princeton Adult School. Mr. Medlin also guest lectures at universities, and offers classes and presentations to groups, organizations, and businesses.
We're Here for YouWe're here to help you learn about and understand blockchain, Bitcoin, and cryptocurrency. Let us know if you need help or support, or what you're looking for in the blockchain community. We'll do our best to provide answers and point you to additional resources.